SPCFPD Property Stolen From Station 3

We have had a theft at Station 3 (Pike Trails). The radiator (cooling system) and water pump were removed (stolen) from Apparatus Unit #941. Unit 941 is a 1975 Dodge roughly equivalent to a one ton truck. A radiator removal is not an easy task. There was no sign of forceable entry and the station access combination had been changed less than 3 weeks ago. This theft disabled one of our important emergency response vehicles and endangered the lives of those in our Guffey community.

Any one with any knowledge of this theft is urged to contact the Park County Sheriff's Office or Chief Stanley so we can identify and remove from our community an individual who would endanger the lives of our people because of selfish personal gain.

S.J. Calanni, Chairman of the Board
Southern Park County Fire Protection District Board of Directors